The Toward Zero Exposure program unites companies throughout the electronics industry in a journey to reduce worker exposure to hazardous chemicals. This program supports brands and suppliers in assessing the use of process chemicals. It strengthens the culture of worker safety and engagement, reducing worker exposure to identified priority process chemicals, and substituting them with safer alternatives within their own manufacturing processes, as well as ultimately reaching deeper into their supply chain.

Tools & Resources
CEPN offers tools, resources, and support to companies working to move toward zero exposure of workers to toxic chemicals in electronics manufacturing.
CEPN is committed to identifying process chemicals to be prioritized for elimination or substitution in electronics manufacturing. The first round and second round of Priority Chemicals include 25 solvents used in as manufacturing process chemicals
Several assessment schemes are in the process of certifying safer manufacturing cleaning products to assist the electronics industry in finding and selecting safer alternatives. This information is provided to assist both companies and facilities in the electronics supply chain in finding safer alternatives, and chemical suppliers in certifying chemical products.
The Process Chemicals Data Collection (PCDC) Tool, developed and piloted by CEPN members, is a free and publicly available standardized reporting tool that improves the task of collecting and managing process chemicals data. Network members invite all companies in the electronics industry to use the PCDC Tool.
The Alternatives Assessment Guide is a concise, high-level guide for identifying and evaluating potential substitutions for hazardous chemicals used in electronics manufacturing processes.
The Qualitative Exposure Assessment (QEA) was designed for facilities where workplace chemical exposure data is not available, to help Environmental Health & Safety professionals without specific chemicals training or expertise in industrial hygiene. The assessment identifies workers’ potential risk of exposure to harmful process chemicals and helps determine controls and ways to both reduce exposure risk and improve performance.
Network Members have developed a Joint Chemical Safety Committee Guidance covering the key elements for developing and operating successful Joint Committees aimed at addressing chemical safety concerns in facilities. This guidance is broadly applicable to any facility working to strengthen chemical management safety systems such that the workers are consulted, informed, and able to actively participate in protecting their safety and health.
CEPN’s Worker Survey on Chemical Safety assesses employee awareness, effectiveness of chemical management training and worker engagement. The survey was designed for use by broader electronics industry as well as Toward Zero Exposure program Signatories.