The Clean Electronics Production Network comprises, and continues to seek, diverse participants from across the supply chain who are innovators and natural collaborators, experts in their segment of the supply chain, held in high regard by their peers, and committed to the goals of CEPN. If your organization is interested in joining CEPN, please contact us to schedule an interview.
We continue to grow the Network — welcoming individuals and organizations with demonstrated leadership supporting safe and sustainable workplaces across the electronics value chain. Prospective members are welcome to attend our semiannual meetings to learn more about the CEPN. The Network operates under well-defined antitrust guidelines and terms of confidentiality.
Participation in the Network is fee-based, with corporate and other large organization members paying fees based on annual gross revenues. These member fees support the operation of the Network and underwrite the participation of stakeholders representing workers and other NGOs.
Additional information on participation:
If you would like to schedule an interview, please contact info@cleanelectronicsproduction.org.
Get in touch
If you would like to learn more about joining CEPN, have any questions about our work, or would like to connect, please reach out.
Send us an Email
A project of Green America's Center for Sustainability Solutions
1612 K Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20006 202.872.5331 info@cleanelectronicsproduction.org