TCO Certified Accepted Substances

TCO Certified

TCO Certified is the global sustainability certification for IT products. TCO Certified Accepted Substance List is a list of independently benchmarked substances that are approved for use in certified products and their manufacture. The list is dynamic and substances may be reassessed in light of new scientific findings.

With TCO Certified, a chemical is considered high risk until it is proven to be otherwise. Users of flame retardants, plasticizers and process chemical cleaners are required to have them independently assessed and benchmarked in accordance to GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals. Only chemicals that achieve a GreenScreen benchmark score of 2, 3 or 4 or GreenScreen certified Gold or Platinum by a Licensed GreenScreen Profiler are added to TCO Certified Accepted Substance List and may be used. See the TCO Certified Accepted Substance List for presently accepted cleaning ingredients and cleaning products.

If you are interested in adding chemicals to TCO Certified Accepted Substance List, contact Stephen Fuller, at TCO Development. Visit TCO Certified Accepted Substance List — to see the full list of accepted chemicals that also includes flame retardants, plasticisers and stabilizers.

TCO Certified Accepted Substances — Cleaning Ingredients

Substance name/Trade name CAS number Type

CI = Cleaning ingredient
CP = Cleaning product

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If you are interested in learning more about CEPN, or if you would like to be involved please contact us at